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Youth Justice PLEIS-NB


New Brunswick's own website for youth and the law
Youth Justice PLEIS-NB

Videos and Facilitator Guides

A Chance for Change
A Chance for Change is a 10-minute video which looks at the innovative ways youth are being held accountable for their actions outside the court system. This 2005 video is intended to introduce the concepts and options available under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA). It shows how some of the most common crimes committed by youth can be dealt with in the community.

A Chance for Change Video User’s Guide
This Video User’s Guide accompanies A Chance for Change. It provides a structure for follow up discussion and provides accurate information about youth crime, the principles underlying the Youth Criminal Justice Act, and youth crime prevention.

A Chance for Change Errata
In 2012, Parliament amended the Youth Criminal Justice Act. The changes to the law affect some of the information in the A Chance for Change Video User’s Guide. This Errata provides a list of updates that users should note when using this resource.

Chasing Away Rain Clouds
This video explores a number of youth justice issues. It presents the views of youth on such issues as boredom, peer pressure, drugs and alcohol, lack of skills, dropping out of school and poverty. The youth offer insights into why some kids get into trouble; how to make punishments more meaningful; and the kinds of support that might help kids stay out of trouble. A Discussion Guide further explores the issues that are briefly addressed in the video. A Youth Justice Lesson Plan Guide is also available for teachers to use with students.

Chasing Away Rain Clouds Discussion Guide
This Discussion Guide accompanies the video, Chasing Away Rain Clouds. It sets out discussion questions relating to many of the key issues raised in the video.

You Are Not Alone: Be Supported Through Difficult Times
This 20-minute video is intended to help provide teen victims of crime with an overview of the support and services available through Public Safety, Victim Services. Intended audience: Youth, parents, Victim Services, counsellors.

You Are Not Alone: A parent’s guide to helping youth victims of crime
This guide is a companion to the DVD You are Not Alone – Be supported through difficult times. The DVD is a dramatization of the ways Victim Services can assist teen victims dealing with the typical concerns teens have when they are expected to testify in court. This guide will provide helpful tips, information and resources for parents supporting a child who has been the victim of a crime.

Picture This... A Guide to the Criminal Justice System
Parents, guardians, and support people can use this handbook to help explain the court system to a victim or witness of a crime who has an intellectual disability. It may also be useful for people who are working with children or those with low literacy skills.

Picture This... A Helper’s Guide
The criminal justice system can be a complex and intimidating place for anyone who is dealing with the police and the courts. The Helper’s Guide  is for parents, guardians and those supporting victims or witnesses of crimes who have challenges understanding or communicating. It provides information and tips on how to make good use of the handbook.

Video: Sexting

Video: Luring